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Kathmandu Medical College

Kathmandu Medical College functions from two complexes - Duwakot Basic Sciences and Sinamangal Clinical Sciences. The KMC Teaching Hospital, located within the ring-road and just near the airport, is in a position of easy access. Prof. Dr. Chanda Karki, a renowned Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in the country, former Departmental Head of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of the College and the past President of Nepal Society of obstetricians and Gynaecologist (NESOG), is the Principal. Dr. Kiran Prasad Rijal,  is the Director of the KMC Teaching Hospital. Several of our teaching staffs have had considerable teaching experience in Medical Colleges in India and abroad. 

KMC is permanently affiliated to Kathmandu University and fully recognized by the Nepal Medical Council (NMC) and the Sri Lanka Medical Council. The working experience at KMCTH is recognized to enable doctors to sit in the postgraduate entrance examinations held by other universities inside & abroad. Kathmandu Medical College has also been listed in the WHO’s World Directory of Medical Schools - electronic format as from June 2001. Following full recognition by NMC, KMC is listed in the International Medical Education Directory (IMED). KMC is also an Associate Member of the Network of Community Based Medical Schools that has its headquarters at Ghent in Belgium. Subsequently, graduates of KMC are also eligible to apply for a California Postgraduate Training Authorization Letter (PTAL) or a Physicians and Surgeons Certificate from August 2012.