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Bloom Public School , New Delhi

About Us:


Bloom Public School is a co-educational English medium, progressive school. The academic curriculum at Bloom is based on wisdom of the past with an eye to the future. It is an education designed to succeed in the coming millenium. Bloom provides a comprehensive education that will serve both in career as well as in personal life - an education that will prepare your child for a life time of learning.


Mission Statement: When a child enters bloom, he/she joins a community of students who are : Self learners & academically sound , Investigative in Spirit  &  Conscious of their Role in Society , Confident ,Wholesome personalities with good communication skills , Focused on Careers, Sensitive to Fine & Performing Arts & Keen on their Physical pursuits.


School Building: The school has an impressive and an imposing building, which is divided into two blocks. There are bright and spacious classrooms and activity centers. The school also houses an Art, Music and Activity wing.


Admission Open for Pre-School. Child should turn 3 by 31st March, 2012 (4 years for KG).